Uses of Class

Packages that use ZedCustomTest

Uses of ZedCustomTest in org.daisy.zedval.engine

Methods in org.daisy.zedval.engine that return ZedCustomTest
 ZedCustomTest CustomTestProcessor.getTester()
          Returns the object being used to test files

Uses of ZedCustomTest in org.daisy.zedval.zedsuite.v2002

Subclasses of ZedCustomTest in org.daisy.zedval.zedsuite.v2002
 class AudioTests
          Performs all audio file tests audio_fileExtn audio file has legal file extension audio_format audio file format matches extension
 class DtbookSmilRelations
          Performs dtbook-SMIL relations checks: dtbook_SmilRefResolves The smilRef attribute is a URI that resolves to a SMIL time container referencing the current dtbook element
 class ImageTests
          Performs all image file tests img_fileExtn image file has legal file extension img_format image file format matches extension
 class ManifestAudio
          Performs package file manifest integrity check for audio book types: opf_mnfOneAudio Manifest references at least one audio file
 class ManifestIntegrity
          Performs package file manifest integrity checks: opf_mnfIntegrityExists All items referenced in manifest exist opf_mnfIntegrityReadable All items referenced in manifest are readable opf_mnfOneSmil manifest references at least one SMIL file opf_mnfNcxMediaType item element for ncx in the manifest must have a media-type attribute of "text/xml" opf_mnfOpfMediaType item element for package file in the manifest must have a media-type attribute of "text/xml" opf_mnfResMediaType item element for resource file must, if listed in manifest, have a media-type attribute of "text/xml"
 class ManifestNonAudio
          Performs package file manifest integrity check for non-audio book types: opf_mnfZeroAudio Manifest does not reference audio files
 class ManifestNonText
          Performs package file manifest integrity check for non-text book types: opf_mnfZeroDtbook Manifest does not reference dtbook files
 class ManifestText
          Performs package file manifest integrity check for text book types: opf_mnfOneDtbook Manifest references at least one dtbook file
 class NcxIntegrity
          Performs NCX integrity checks: ncx_fileExtn NCX file has .ncx extension
 class NcxInternal
          Performs NCX internal checks: NCX_PrologPubId NCX public identifier is "-//NISO//DTD ncx v1.1.0//EN" NCX_Version Version attribute on NCX element has value 1.1.0 ncx_metaDtbDepthValueCorrelated dtb:depth content attribute value indicates depth of structure of the DTB as exposed by the NCX
 class NcxRelations
          Performs NCX relations checks: ncx_UidOpfUid dtb:uid value matches package unique-identifier ncx_manifestRefs NCX only references files that are items in manifest ncx_srcSMIL src attribute on content element references SMIL file ncx_srcAudio src attribute on audio element references audio file ncx_srcImg src attribute on img element references image file
 class OpfIntegrity
          Performs package file integrity checks: opf_exists Package file exists opf_isReadable Package file is readable opf_fileExtn Package file has .opf extension Note: In default ZedVal application (and probably in others), package file existence test will probably never be executed here.
 class OpfInternal
          Performs package file internal checks: opf_prologPubId Package file public identifier check
 class ResIntegrity
          Performs resource file integrity checks: res_fileExtn Resource file has .res extension
 class ResInternal
          Performs resource file internal checks: res_prologPubId Resource file public identifier equals "-//NISO//DTD resource v1.1.0//EN" resource_Version Version attribute on resources element has value 1.1.0
 class ResRelations
          Performs resource file relations checks: res_manifestRefs Resource file only references files that are items in manifest
 class SmilDtbookRelations
          Performs SMIL-dtbook relations checks: smil_textSrcResolves text element src attribute URI resolves dtbook_SmilRef Each dtbook element referenced from smil contains a smilRef attribute pointing to the smil element that references it
 class SmilInternal
          Performs SMIL internal checks: smil_prologPubId smil file public identifier equals "-//NISO//DTD dtbsmil v1.1.0//EN"
 class SmilRelations
          Performs SMIL relations checks: smil_metaDtbUidValue dtb:uid meta element content attribute matches value of package unique-identifier smil_metaAudioDtbTotElaAccurate dtb:totalElapsedTime meta element content attribute value represents the total time elapsed up to the beginning of this SMIL file smil_manifestRefs SMIL only references files that are items in manifest smil_srcDtbook src attribute on text element references dtbook file smil_srcAudio src attribute on audio element references audio file smil_srcImg src attribute on img element references image file smil_hrefSMIL href attribute on the a element points to a SMIL file
 class SpineIntegrity
          Performs package file spine integrity checks: opf_SpineRefAllSmilInMnf Each smil file listed in manifest is referenced by spine opf_spnItemRefIdrefSmil spine itemref idref attributes points to the id of a SMIL file listed in manifest opf_xMetaTotTimeAccurate x-metadata dtb:totalTime value is the sum of the durations of all SMIL files in the spine
 class TextInternal
          Performs text file internal checks: dtbook_prologPubId dtbook source file public identifier equals "-//NISO//DTD dtbook v1.1.0//EN" dtbook_Version Version attribute on dtbook element has value 1.1.0
 class TextRelations
          Performs text file relations checks: dtbk_manifestRefs dtbook only references files that are items in manifest

Uses of ZedCustomTest in org.daisy.zedval.zedsuite.v2005

Subclasses of ZedCustomTest in org.daisy.zedval.zedsuite.v2005
 class DtbookTests
          Performs customtests on a dtbook file
 class NcxTests
          Performs customtests on ncx
 class PackageTests
          Performs custom tests on package file Note: In default ZedVal application (and probably in others), package file existance test will probably never be executed here.
 class ResourceTests
          Performs custom tests on resource file
 class SmilTests
          Performs customtests on a smil file